Mazda Gracenote Update 2022

De curand Mazda a anuntat pe pagina lor oficiala disponibilitatea noului update pentru anul 2022 a infotainment-ului media Gracenote.
Noutatile aduse sunt update de continut media, pictograme, recunoastere vocala a artistului cat si a numelor albumelor.
Nouile versiuni pe Regiuni ale globului:
Regiunea 1:
Europe, Russia, Turkey, Australia, New Zealand este: Gracenote_1.1.1.02570_EU Download link
Regiunea 2
USA, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico este: Gracenote_1.1.1.02071_NA Download link
Regiunea 3
Hong Kong, Macau este: Gracenote_1.1.1.02567_CN Download link
Regiunea 4
Others este: Gracenote_1.1.1.02580_GL Download link
Atentie! La update nu va arata noua veriune ce trebuie updatata, ci versiunea curenta, posibil sa fie doar un bug! Confirmati, iar dupa update va arata noua veriune.
Note Update below is from official Mazda Website
Update the Gracenote database to the latest version
NOTE: Before beginning, ensure your vehicle is stopped in a safe location and placed in park.
The Gracenote update process cannot be performed with voice commands.
Gracenote Update Process
1. Insert a USB drive into your computer.
2. Download the file: Gracenote_<version>_<region>.mcg to the USB drive. Please ensure you have at least 1 GB of space remaining and the Gracenote_<version>_<region>.mcg file is saved to the top level of file folders on your USB drive.
3. When the download to the USB drive is complete, safely remove the USB drive from your computer and insert it into your vehicle’s USB port.
4. Select “Settings” on the vehicle’s main display screen.
5. Scroll down and select “System Settings”.
6. Select “Gracenote Database Update”.
7. The system displays the version of the Music Update currently installed on your system.
Select “Update”.
* The system shows the message: “Do you want to update the Gracenote Database to <version>?”
This <version> is the current version of the Music Update installed on Mazda Connect.
8. The update may take several moments. Once completed, the system will display that the update was successful.
9. The USB drive can be safely removed from the vehicle port.

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